Marine Consultants & Engineers (MCE) is committed to providing quality Marine and
Engineering Consultancy and Surveying services for the benefit of our clients in the
offshore and shipping industry. MCE is also committed to conducting business lawfully,
ethically and in a socially responsible manner. We believe that exemplary performance in
the areas of quality, health, safety and environment is essential to fulfill our business
goals and meet the expectations of our stakeholders. We shall achieve the intended
results by promoting risk-based thinking and adapting process-based approach to
establish the required processes.
MCE strives to offer a competitive advantage in all its commercial activities, creating
value for both the organization and its customers through continuous improvement of
processes. MCE is also committed to provide a safe and healthy workplace to all our
Employees, Contractors & contribute to the conservation of resources and enhancement
of adoption of environment & Safety work culture.
The organization sees the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS
18001:2007 as a basic framework to achieve this goal.
To fulfillment our commitment, we shall,
• Total employee involvement in achieving IMS objectives.
• Continually improve the effectiveness of our integrated management system.
• Protect environment and prevent pollution.
• Complying with applicable legal & other obligations.
• Upgrading the competency of our all employees.
• Enhancing customer and interested parties’ satisfaction.
• Identifying and implement resource conservation programs.
• Adopting good practices to prevent releases of pollutants into environment.
• Implement quality, environment, health & safety programs to endure to improve
safety of all our personnel and property by reducing the risks of IMS.
• Training our employee and contractors on the importance of quality procedure
adherence, environmental conservation, safe work practices, company’s rules and
regulations, legal obligations and the need to follow them.